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1 0 1 0 1
2 0.1 It's just as I thought. 0.266666681 It's just as I thought.
3 1.56666672 3 1 1
4 2.36666656 [ML:undisp ] 2.6 [ML:undisp ]
5 2.4666667 5 3.5 1
6 2.6 The Monado feels the same as it did before the Apocrypha took effect. 4.1 The Monado feels the same as it did before the Apocrypha took effect.
7 6.133333 7 6.2 1
8 6.4 No, it feels even more powerful. 6.5666666 No, it feels even more powerful.
9 9.7 9 7 1
10 9.766666 [ML:undisp ] 7.66666651 [ML:undisp ]
11 9.833333 11 9.7 1
12 11.1 The Bionis' Monado. 11.1 The Bionis' Monado.
13 12.7666664 13 12.7666664 1
14 13.0333338 And this Monado. 14.5 And this Monado.
15 14.8 15 15.4 1
16 14.9666662 They have to be connected somehow. 16.4 They have to be connected somehow.
17 18.3666668 17 18.3666668 1
18 19.7333336 [ML:undisp ] 19.8666668 [ML:undisp ]
19 19.8 19 20.4666672 1
20 19.8666668 Because you aren't here. 21.0333328 Because you aren't here.
21 22.2 21 22.0333328 1
22 22.2 Not anymore. 22.2 Not anymore.
23 23.2333336 23 23.2333336 1
24 23.8 [ML:undisp ] 23.8 [ML:undisp ]
25 24.333334 25 24.333334 1
26 23.9 Why am I remembering that dream? 25.5 Why am I remembering that dream?
27 26.1333332 27 26.666666 1
28 27.2666664 Why now? 27.5 Why now?
29 28.6333332 29 28 1
30 31.4666672 Without the power, I can't stop Egil. 31.0666676 Without the power, I can't stop Egil.
31 33.8333321 31 33.2333336 1
32 34.0333328 I have to concentrate. 34.0333328 I have to concentrate.
33 35 33 35 1
34 36.2333336 All I have to think about is how to stop the Mechonis. 35.8666649 All I have to think about is how to stop the Mechonis.
35 39 35 39 1
36 39.6 If the Monado does bring about the end, then I know what to do. 39.6 If the Monado does bring about the end, then I know what to do.
37 43.7666664 37 40.2333336 1
38 43.8333321 [ML:undisp ] 40.7666664 [ML:undisp ]
39 43.9 39 43.1666679 1
40 43.9666672 [ML:undisp ] 43.8333321 [ML:undisp ]
41 44.5666656 41 44.5666656 1
42 44.6 Fiora! 44.7666664 Fiora!
43 45.3333321 43 45.3333321 1
44 45.4 [ML:undisp ] 45.6666679 [ML:undisp ]
45 45.4666672 45 46.2666664 1
46 45.6 Shulk, what were you thinking about? 47.2333336 Shulk, what were you thinking about?
47 48.7666664 47 48.4333344 1
48 50.0666656 Nothing. 48.9666672 Nothing.
49 50.7666664 49 50.7666664 1
50 51.7333336 So. 51.8 So.
51 52.6666679 51 52.6666679 1
52 53.8333321 It's like that is it? 54.3333321 It's like that is it?
53 55.3666649 53 55.3666649 1
54 57.4 Really, it's nothing. 57.2 Really, it's nothing.
55 59 55 58.4666672 1
56 60.0666656 Listen, Shulk. 60.2 Listen, Shulk.
57 61.4 57 61.4 1
58 62.0666656 If it's too hard for you handle on your own, talk to me! 62.3333321 If it's too hard for you handle on your own, talk to me!
59 66.3333359 59 64.6666641 1
60 66.4 [ML:undisp ] 65.23333 [ML:undisp ]
61 66.46667 61 65.86667 1
62 67.76667 Fiora... 67.76666 Fiora...
63 68.5 63 68.5 1
64 69.0666656 You can tell any of the others as well. 69.26666 You can tell any of the others as well.
65 71.23333 [ML:undisp ] 70.63333 [ML:undisp ]
66 71.3 66 71.23334 1
67 71.53333 We're all here for you. 71.53333 We're all here for you.
68 72.9333344 68 73.8 1
69 73.46667 Don't forget that. 74.1666641 Don't forget that.
70 74.9 70 75.4 1
71 77.5 You're right. 77.6 You're right.
72 78.3333359 72 78.3333359 1
73 79.6 You're here for me. 79.6 You're here for me.
74 80.5666656 74 80.53333 1
75 80.5666656 Of course! 80.76666 Of course!
76 81.23333 76 81.23334 1
77 81.9333344 And don't overdo it, OK? 81.9333344 And don't overdo it, OK?
78 84.4 78 84.4 1
79 85.46667 We all saw what happened. 85.46667 We all saw what happened.
80 87.2 80 87.2 1
81 89.03333 Is your arm OK? 88.6 Is your arm OK?
82 90.53333 [ML:undisp ] 90.2 [ML:undisp ]
83 91.3333359 83 91.3333359 1
84 90.9 Yeah, it's not bad. 92 Yeah, it's not bad.
85 93.03333 85 93.03333 1
86 93.4333344 I'll live. 93.5 I'll live.
87 94.2 87 94.03333 1
88 94.2 Oi, you two! 94.26666 Oi, you two!
89 95.6 89 95.6 1
90 96.1666641 Is something up? 96.16667 Is something up?
91 97.1666641 91 97.16667 1
92 97.36667 No, it's nothing. 97.53333 No, it's nothing.
93 99.4333344 93 98.23334 1
94 99.46667 [ML:undisp ] 98.6 [ML:undisp ]
95 99.53333 95 99.4333344 1
96 102.866669 Come on. 103 Come on.
97 103.866669 97 103.566666 1
98 104.166664 [ML:undisp ] 104.166672 [ML:undisp ]
99 104.533333 99 104.533333 1
100 113.633331 Shulk... 113.633331 Shulk...
101 114.5 101 114.5 1
102 116.1 You can... 116.1 You can...
103 117 103 117 1